MLP: Popular 

Come join Rarity and Fluttershy as they experience the ways of high school. They were best friends in middle school but their whole fiasco happened because they developed the same crush. But, they worked it out and became friends again. 


Meet The Girls 



Fluttershy (Sparkle)

She is the daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle. She is best friends with Pinkie Red, Feather May, and Rarity. Rariheart and Rarired not as much but they are cool. She is married to Rainbow Blitz. Sadly, she lost her father to the war. 


She is the daughter of Princess Celestia, so aye she and Fluttershy are royalty. She is currently dating Starlight Glimmer and is best friends with Fluttershy, Pinkie Red, Feather May, Rarired and Rariheart. 

Pinkie Red 

Probably wondering who the hell Pinkie Red is, well she's a demon pony. She is currently married to Rarired and is besties with Fluttershy, Feather May & Rarity. She's a bit emo but we love her. 

Feather May 

She's the chill one amongst her friends, she is the daughter of Dj Pon 3 or Vinyl Scratch. Her cousin Pinkie Pie lives with her as well. 


Again, she is another pony you're probably confused about. She is a different kind of Rarity, she controls love kind of like Princess Candence, sadly she isn't the daughter of her. 


She is a demon pony just like PInkie Red, as well as Apple Red and Rainbow Blizt, I'll get to the boys soon. She has a lot going on with her but she's alright to manage. 


Meet The Boys 


Rainbow Blitz 

He is the male demon version of Rainbow Dash basically. He is the older sibling to Flutterheart (which just a mcdonald's fluttershy), his mom is Princess Twinkle. 

Apple Red

A former demon pony and is dating Rariheart, he also killed Rariheart's father, oof. (Rainbow Blitz is also married to Fluttershy). He is kind of mysterious to be honest. 


The Mothers 


Princess Twilight Sparkle

She is the mother to Fluttershy, don't question it. 

Princess Celestia 

She is the mother to Rarity, again don't bother questioning it. 

Princess Twinkle 

She is a McDonald's Twilight Sparkle lol, the mother of Rainbow Blitz.

Vinyl Scratch (DJ Pon 3) 

She is cool mother of Feather May. 

The Younger Siblings

Pinkie Pie 

she is a mcdonald's pinkie pie and is the cousin of Feather May. 


She is just a mcdonald's fluttershy and only has a brief appearance. 


More Girls Lmao 

Starlight Glimmer 

Meet the Sassy Fashionable Wife of Rarity. This girl will show you how it's done.

Sea Swirl 

She is one of Starlight's many friends and she was one of the helpers when she moved in with Rarity. 


She is the normal version of Apple Red (Apple Red is just the boy demon version of her). She is also a friend of Starlight. 

Meadow Flower 

She is currently dating Feather May and they live together, she's also a good friend of Starlight.